Alan and I went up to South Lake Tahoe this weekend to go camping with a group of SCU friends at DL Bliss State Park. It was fun being in the middle of a forest, sleeping under tents and hanging out around the bonfire at night. We made smores, cooked breakfast on those camping stoves, had bbq for dinner, played cards and other things to keep busy. It was a good break from the stress of life - and a good break from all the technology of the world (except for Alan's camera of course).
On Saturday we hiked up to this site called the Balancing Rock, then hiked a couple more miles to Emerald Bay. The hike was long and varied in steepness at different parts. I think the whole hike was about 7 miles total! I was out of breath by the end and my legs felt like jelly. But it was good exercise! Here's a pic of the girls and our hiking sticks:

When we got back, I showered in freezing cold water!! There was no more warm water when I got there. Kinda made me appreciate the luxuries that I take for granted every day.
We're going camping again in August, so now we know what we need to buy - warm sleeping bags, a tent, a tarp, and maybe a camping stove!
Run Run Run
Ok, I've gotten on the treadmill again and it was actually easier than the first time. So hopefully I can keep it up and lose these few pounds that I've gained since I've gotten married.
Alan and I went up to South Lake Tahoe this weekend to go camping with a group of SCU friends at DL Bliss State Park. It was fun being in the middle of a forest, sleeping under tents and hanging out around the bonfire at night. We made smores, cooked breakfast on those camping stoves, had bbq for dinner, played cards and other things to keep busy. It was a good break from the stress of life - and a good break from all the technology of the world (except for Alan's camera of course).
On Saturday we hiked up to this site called the Balancing Rock, then hiked a couple more miles to Emerald Bay. The hike was long and varied in steepness at different parts. I think the whole hike was about 7 miles total! I was out of breath by the end and my legs felt like jelly. But it was good exercise! Here's a pic of the girls and our hiking sticks:

When we got back, I showered in freezing cold water!! There was no more warm water when I got there. Kinda made me appreciate the luxuries that I take for granted every day.
We're going camping again in August, so now we know what we need to buy - warm sleeping bags, a tent, a tarp, and maybe a camping stove!
Run Run Run
Ok, I've gotten on the treadmill again and it was actually easier than the first time. So hopefully I can keep it up and lose these few pounds that I've gained since I've gotten married.