Friday, April 27, 2007

Where did this week go?
It's already Friday?! Seems like this week went by really quickly! Maybe it's the GREAT weather that's helping it go by so fast. Didn't do much this week besides go to work. Seems like I've been eating a lot more recently though - I'm always snacking on something every hour. I made a mistake of eating a whole pack of Strawberry Mentos in one sitting - after which I felt a little sick. I actually haven't been eating too much candy recently, and now I know why :)

Last weekend
While Alan was in Vegas, I hung out with my parents in Daly City on Friday night. We tried to watch The Good Shepherd but gave up after all 3 of us fell asleep. I finished it the next day and I didn't really get why it was called "The Best Spy Movie Ever" on the front cover. It was very confusing.

Saturday I went over to a coworkers apartment for a BBQ and some games. We played the Wii (of course), some drinking games (of course I didn't drink!) and played this new board game that she had called 'Balderdash' which was pretty fun! I want to get it now to add to our game collection. Then we all headed over to Bubble Lounge in the city. Pretty chill place - of course I had my classic Shirley Temple (which is what I always have now), and then we went to eat out afterwards. It was a fun night out - which I know will run scarce once Baby comes.

New glasses!
I'm finally picking up my new glasses tomorrow! I'm hoping these will be a pair that I will WANT to wear outside the house :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Food Coma already
I'm really full right now and it's making me sleepy. I didn't think I ate too much this morning either - I just had some gyoza from Trader Joe's and a bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats. But my stomach feels really full right now and I sit right next to the window, which gets a lot of sun in the morning so the heat is making it worse. Maybe I should take a walk around the building.

Busy Saturday, Lazy Sunday
So what did we do this past weekend? Hmm, so I ordered my glasses on Saturday - which I'm really excited about! They're Nike's like Alan's new glasses and I ordered the thinnest possible lenses so hopefully they're not too thick. My eyes have been getting dry easier lately, so I hope I can wear these out in public - even though I hardly ever wear glasses in public.

Then we went to Costco and then the new Trader Joe's in SSF! We had never really been shopping around a Trader Joe's since there isn't one too close to us (although I looked it up and there IS one in Castro Valley, which isn't too far from us). Ever since my coworker told me that sodium nitrate is bad to have when you're pregnant, I've been checking food labels on everything I buy - and I love Trader Joe's! Everything seems so fresh and have all natural ingredients. There's one near my work, so maybe I'll go at lunch to look around and buy more food.

Then off to church, and on the way home we stopped by Bacio Cafe in San Mateo to check out our friends' new cafe. Very nice and stylish! Alan had the frozen mocha and I had the strawberry-banana smoothie. We hung out for a while on the nice soft couches, played dominoes, and then headed over to Hillsdale Mall.

Went shopping for a bit - well, mostly Alan did since he was looking for new shirts for his Vegas trip. Couldn't really get into shopping, so I just walked around for a while, before getting really hungry. I couldn't wait for Alan to finish so I went to Boudin's by myself and bought a bowl of clam chowder. Yum.

Sunday was very very chill. Did nothing except stay home and do laundry, clean, watch DVDs (Charlotte's Web, Volver, The Happiest Baby on the Block) and nap. I love lazy Sundays!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Happy Friday the 13th!
Who's superstitious? Not me. For the most part, the day has been fine. They even had my most favorite donut in the world upstairs in the lunchroom this morning - a blueberry cake donut! (I love the blueberry cake donut holes they have at Krispy Kreme, but that's a whole other story right there.) Anyway, better not say anything too soon, I guess the day's not over yet.

Notes from the Underbelly
Watched the first episode of this new show on ABC about pregnant women and it was actually pretty funny. I fell asleep during the second half hour since it was so late already. The guy was reading a book that I had borrowed from the library, which I thought was funny! And the names of the babies on the show were pretty familiar - Oliver was one of them, Amelie was another (our friends just named their baby Amelie last year). And the scene where she goes out drinking with her friend, but doesn't actually drink the shots but just pours them over her shoulder were funny. Or maybe it's just funny because I can relate right now? Either way, I have a new show to TiVo!

Halfway there!
Since our due date changed back to Aug 31st, I'm officially 20 weeks exactly to the day. Halfway there and I feel great! :) Now comes the 'bigger' half.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Kanga and Roo
Ok, so I'm starting to show more now. I looked in the mirror this morning and there's this little pouch sticking out of my stomach. It reminded me of kangaroos :)

The technical term for feeling your baby move for the first time. They say it feels like gas bubbles or having butterflies in your stomach. This week I've been feeling little taps in my stomach, but not sure if it's the baby or not. This morning, I put my hand on my stomach and felt little movements every 10 seconds. I wonder if it was him/her saying Good Morning to mommy and daddy? :)

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

We're having a...
baby! :) ok ok, so I stole that from Alan's blog but I thought it was pretty clever.

So we had our 18 week ultrasound appointment last Thursday and after 20 minutes of the technician lady poking and prodding at my belly with the little ultrasound thingy, we finally got to see our little gummi bear, which by the way, doesnn't look like a gummi bear anymore. It looks like a real baby! :) I wanted to wait until I scanned the pictures before I blogged, but it looks like that isn't going to happen anytime soon since we don't have a scanner at our house. So we saw the baby's body, head, eye sockets, legs crossed, spine and ribs, tiny feet, and other body parts! It was awesome.

So we told her we didn't want to know the sex of the baby so she didn't show us anything that would give it away. So we're definitely keeping it a surprise until birth! But Alan asked her if she knew and she said of course, because she had to do some measurements of that part of the baby. So she knows! The one person in the world who knows...

The hardest part of the whole thing was definitely BEFORE the appointment when I had to drink 2 full bottles of water an hour and a half before the appointment and hold it in. Supposedly, a full bladder helps to push everything else out of the way for a clearer ultrasound picture, but seriously?!? I felt like I was going to burst on my way there and I couldn't sit still in the waiting room! I was walking up and down the halls, holding my stomach and I got several questions about whether I needed help or if I was lost, etc. haha. When the lady called my name, I RAN through the door, laid down, but couldn't stop thinking about it the whole time.

Back aches, Head aches, everything aches
So here it comes - the backaches, headaches, and other aches that come and go. Leg cramps - yup, right on time - started this week at night. Not too bad though - I stretch it out right when I feel one coming on, so they haven't gotten too bad... yet. My belly's getting a little bit bigger - I'm still trying to wear my regular clothes, but on Saturday I wore a pregnancy shirt that Kitchie got me and Alan said I really looked pregnant that day. I wonder how much longer I can wear my regular shirts...

Kaiser classes
We had our first pregnancy class on Saturday - the mid-pregnancy class. It was kinda cool being in the same room with ~10 other pregnant women - all in different weeks of pregnancy. But I was definitely one of the ones in the earlier stages of pregnancy - there was only one girl who was behind me (at 16 weeks).

Anything NOT-baby-related?
Um... nope. :) I should probably blog more often instead of writing such long entries like this one.