Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I hit the jackpot!
And the prize... maternity clothes!! Bags and bags and a whole bin-ful of them - from my 3 cousins who all were pregnant within the past two years. It's like I have a whole new wardrobe for the next 5 months and it's great!

It's good I didn't go too crazy buying stuff already - so far I've only bought 3 pairs of pants and my lil sister bought me a pair of jeans, my mom bought me some tops and pants that I have yet to receive in the mail, and Kitchie bought me 2 tops and a pair of pants. I think I have enough clothes so I don't have to buy anymore. Yippee! Oh, except for maternity dresses for weddings and other formal occasions. Anyone have any that I can borrow? ;)

Tuason Cousin gathering
We had a little Tuason cousin gathering in Pleasanton on Sunday since Kitchie & Jerry and Heidi were in town. It was a beautiful day so we spent most of it outside in my cousin's backyard, playing with the babies and even playing some fun games that my cousin Donna made up. And of course, we brought the Wii for everyone to enjoy. Afterwards we took the kids to the park, played some tennis and just enjoyed the weather. It was a fun reunion!

Pre-Baby-Shower shower
They all chipped in and gave us a gift baggie with lots of baby things, like books, a baby picture frame, maternity clothes for me (and a Wii game for Alan), a baby rattle, an Old Navy gift card, a Parenting magazine subscription, nail polish (for me, while I can still see my feet!), and stretch marks cream (that I had coincidentally bought for myself too the day before). It felt like a mini baby-shower. I can't wait for our real one. :)

The debate lives on...
Will we or won't we? (find out the sex of the baby this Thursday). Stay tuned...

Thursday, March 22, 2007

New ticker
I love the ticker that is on msluzon's site, so I decided to use it too! =) But I think we're going to keep it as rainbow color since we're pretty sure we're not going to find out the sex of the baby :)

The MaDnEsS!
Sweet 16 games start tonight and the team that I picked to go all the way and win the tourney is playing!! Go Tennessee! Somehow I'm tied for 1st in our pool right now, but we'll see how that goes after this week's games.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Tick tock
How come time goes by slowly when you want it to go fast? Is it 4pm yet? That's what time I'm off today! =)

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Today sucks.